
Showing posts from April, 2018

No Spoon, No Problem!

After making cereal for my 5 year old, we realized there were no clean spoons.  Now, I can't explain why since I have bought (what feels like) thousands of those things.  But, we looked and not a clean one to be found.  I offered to wash one, but he refused and said he could wash his own spoon.  Okay then.  I have been trying to find ways of allowing his independence, and this seemed like a good opportunity for him. I leave the kitchen for a moment and come back to this... Yes, he is using an ice cream scoop to eat cereal! I will be totally honest, my first thought was NOT one that applauded his creativity.  I wanted to snatch it from him and give him the "what for" about this not being a spoon and why he shouldn't be eating cereal with it.  But, I fought that urge and just said "whatever, at least you're eating".  And there are days, moments, that I just have to throw my hands up and say "whatever". But, after he was done I asked him