Welcome to my Blue World!

Have you ever felt compelled to do something but you ignore it?  Though, the more you ignore it, the stronger that compulsion gets?  I have been doing that a lot lately.  Especially with writing.

I am always told that I should write more.  I am even asked for my next piece of my history or wisdom that I should be sharing.  Yet, I ignore it.  I have made so many excuses for myself.  I am a mom of five boys aged 3-11.  I have my sister and her two kids living with me.  I am finishing my degree.  I worked for a brief time.  All of these excuses that have kept me from doing something I love, and something I know I should do.

Now, I am not great at it.  I can whip out any academic writing assignment in a couple days (I've literally written papers for school in two days with very little editing and got all possible points on them), but personal writing is much more difficult.  I have many more typing errors, especially since I write with emotion rather than intellect.  I will sometimes make sense to myself but confuse others.  I have not yet perfected this, but I am going to try to do it anyway!

My blog name, Just A Girl in a Blue World is meant to express two of the topics I will write most about.  The first, and probably the highlight of what I plan to post, is that I am the only girl living with six males.  Yep.  SIX.  My husband and our five boy children.  And, well... it can get a little insane around here.  It is loud, messy, often stinky, but it can be so much fun!  I want to share some of that fun with you!

However, I also plan to discuss the hardships I have faced in life, in marriage, and in motherhood (the blue periods). I have also struggled with depression and anxiety, though mildly, and often situational.  Thankfully my education has really taught me a lot about how to care for myself through my experiences to reduce the symptoms I have!  I cannot, and will not, claim to be all-knowing or wise about depression or anxiety, but I do still experience it. 

*(It is important to note that I know many women who have struggled with anxiety and depression far more severely than I have, so I do not at all want to take away from what they experience. I just want to share my own experiences.)

So, with all of that... welcome to a glimpse of my BLUE world!  I hope you enjoy sharing life with me through this blog!
