
Showing posts from March, 2018

Losing Teeth

Here is the first bit of "fun" to be shared! A few weeks ago, while at our small group meeting, our kids were all playing down the hall from us.  We were able to see them, as they were literally playing in the hallway, but we were not intently watching them.  After a while, we heard crying.   Now, having five boys, crying doesn't usually phase me.  It didn't this time.  I actually wanted to know what this dramatic child was over-reacting to this time.  They say boys are less drama than girls, but trust when I say that I have some pretty dramatic little cry babies when life isn't going their way, and I was sure life just wasn't going his way.  It wasn't until I saw how much blood was coming out of his face that I realized that it was actually something a little more serious. After a few minutes, we decided he should go to the ER.  His tooth had pierced through his lip, and the tooth itself looked in pretty bad shape.  We weren't there terribly l

Welcome to my Blue World!

Have you ever felt compelled to do something but you ignore it?  Though, the more you ignore it, the stronger that compulsion gets?  I have been doing that a lot lately.  Especially with writing. I am always told that I should write more.  I am even asked for my next piece of my history or wisdom that I should be sharing.  Yet, I ignore it.  I have made so many excuses for myself.  I am a mom of five boys aged 3-11.  I have my sister and her two kids living with me.  I am finishing my degree.  I worked for a brief time.  All of these excuses that have kept me from doing something I love, and something I know I should do. Now, I am not great at it.  I can whip out any academic writing assignment in a couple days (I've literally written papers for school in two days with very little editing and got all possible points on them), but personal writing is much more difficult.  I have many more typing errors, especially since I write with emotion rather than intellect.  I will sometim