Losing Teeth

Here is the first bit of "fun" to be shared!

A few weeks ago, while at our small group meeting, our kids were all playing down the hall from us.  We were able to see them, as they were literally playing in the hallway, but we were not intently watching them.  After a while, we heard crying.  

Now, having five boys, crying doesn't usually phase me.  It didn't this time.  I actually wanted to know what this dramatic child was over-reacting to this time.  They say boys are less drama than girls, but trust when I say that I have some pretty dramatic little cry babies when life isn't going their way, and I was sure life just wasn't going his way.  It wasn't until I saw how much blood was coming out of his face that I realized that it was actually something a little more serious.

After a few minutes, we decided he should go to the ER.  His tooth had pierced through his lip, and the tooth itself looked in pretty bad shape.  We weren't there terribly long before they chose to send us to the Children's Hospital, 35(ish) minutes away, for a better evaluation to determine if he would need stitches in his lip.  After a trip over there, it was quickly decided that stitches were not necessary and we headed home.

I wasn't convinced.  Not about the stitches, but that there wasn't more that needed to be done.  After some sleep, we woke up to his tooth looking even worse than the night before.  Plus, his dramatics of it hurting, I knew he needed to see a dentist.  But it was a Saturday, and of course our dentist isn't open on weekends.  So, I did what any other sane mom would do, I called around until I found an open dentist that took our insurance. Thankfully it was close enough that we were able to get in pretty quickly.

X-rays confirmed my gut feeling.  He broke his tooth.  Only, he couldn't just break it a little bit.  No... he somehow managed to cleanly break it, UNDER his gum line.  And not just a little bit under it, like, close to the root.  So, now it's time to find an oral surgeon that is open on Saturday and accepts our insurance.  

The oral surgeon that we ended up seeing was right on our way home! SCORE! And from the time we walked into the office to the time we left was less than three hours!  I am not sure that even a scheduled appointment has gone that quickly.  

However, the procedure itself was horrid. He was not able to be sedated, so a little laughing gas was all he got.  No-one was laughing, though. I don't think it worked.  It took my husband, me, and a tech to hold him down to get this tooth and the root out.  I am not sure who was more traumatized by that experience, him or me.  But, the tooth was out and we could take him home to rest!
I could tell it was the right choice when he wasn't in nearly the same pain after as he was with it still in.  Yes, it was a bit traumatic, but it was certainly necessary.  And look... we have five boys... we have seen a lot of blood, been to the ER more times than I ever care to count, but this was the first broken tooth! It may not seem like much to some, but for me (and with the crazy brood I seem to be organizing around here), this is a small victory!

Plus, he's so stinking cute with his missing tooth! Probably the most handsome toothless dude I have ever seen!
